Thursday 17 May 2012

...and we have a beautiful concrete floor

Big load of timber arrived on site Wednesday morning so "the real building" can start. But before then we will celebrate getting the foundation done - part one is over!


  1. Tosi mahtavaa! Pitäkää hyvät valutalkoot!

    1. Kiitos, eilen illalla saunottiin ja syötiin, väsäsin aiheeseen sopivan kakunkin, laitan kuvan tänne :-)

  2. The construction of your home seems like quite a journey for you! It is good that you have a thick concrete floor. Good flooring is very important because it is the most used part of the house and is very susceptible to dirt. If you want to spend less time cleaning, concrete floor is the right one for you. To clean it, you just have to wipe off the dirt, and you’re good to go! No special cleaning needed!

  3. I have to agree with Saundra. A thick concrete floor would help your home last longer. One benefit it can also deliver is that you can prevent rodents and other insects from digging up holes. Pest control can also be costly so it is advisable to invest on a floor that would protect your home form such problems.
