Tuesday 25 September 2012

Tile shopping

Mr & Mrs B went tile shopping today, and actually managed to find and order everything we need so happy days, one big job done! Here pictures of the tiles we picked: 

 and back to painting afterwards for Mr B...

Saturday 22 September 2012

More window frames

Both sides and the back of the house are cladded now and the windows upstairs have frames, eaves done and the end tiles are on the roof!

Thursday 20 September 2012

The window frames

One window has a frame around it now and this is how they will all look as it was approved by Mr & Mrs B. Also some photos from downstairs after Mrs B's cleaning blast!

Monday 17 September 2012

Heating is on

Here latest pictures from site: upstairs is nearly ready for plasterers/painters, only few walls missing the gyproc boards. Mrs B was on the dustpan & brush over the weekend and it looks nice and tidy now. Mr B was back painting, trying to get the outside cladding painted while the              scaffolding is up. Fire has been kindled in the fireplace few times now and some electric 
heaters are on so it's nice and warm inside.Went shopping for some lights over the weekend and also have ordered the downstairs toilet and wash basin and upstairs toilet. So all good in the building world!

Monday 10 September 2012

Six weeks late

The doors finally arrived this morning after being delayed for six weeks. They were lifted in their places except for the front door which will only be placed once the house is ready (we have an old door waiting to go in for the rest of the building time). Locks and handles were ordered today so hopefully soon we'll be able to lock the house (and move some stuff from our rental house in there as our utility room now is full of building supplies like the flooring materials, central hoover system, tiles, wall paper etc...) The roof "safety things" are installed and so are the drain pipes etc so good progress again. Now the site will be quiet until Friday as Ukki is taking a little break from it and goes to Estonia for a short Holiday. 

Friday 7 September 2012

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Five months

So we are five months into the build now! Big part of the cladding is in place at the back of the house and we are very pleased with the type of cladding we chose. Mr B is also very pleased that it's already painted with undercoat and one coat of our chosen colour before it left the factory... Speaking of Mr B, it's his last week on site as on Monday he becomes a student again, learning Finnish full time Monday to Friday until February. But there's still plenty for 
him to do until then...

Lot of the walls upstairs are up so it's great to see the actual layout of the rooms and landing. Here our bedroom and Mrs B's walk-in wardrobe, below the upstairs bathroom that is to the left of the walk-in.

We are in the middle of the process of picking paint colours for the walls, not an easy task as there are just too many to choose from! One of the walls in our bedroom will get wall paper as something just jumped at us in one of the DIY shops the other day. Also the kitchen company came in today to measure the kitchen, utility room and porch, for the built in units, which we ordered for middle of November, so there's one deadline now to be reached.

Here the guestroom and the little walk-in wardrobe in there.