Friday 27 April 2012

Laying concrete blocks...

 ...started in the rain on Mr. B's Birthday, but luckily weather is on our side now and today was lovely, sunny day and great progress was made. The final layer of blocks is to go on tomorrow. Then the base will be filled with sand and drains and pipes and cables will be placed in their right places. Styrofoam will go somewhere there too, inside and outside of the foundations.  


  1. Loving your updates! What great progress so far,

    1. Hi Elaine, nice to see you here! Must skype soon, we just moved to our rental house and should be up and running with broadband tomorrow!

  2. Good luck to the Barrett's in thsi new adventure in Finland. I hope Cyril the father in law knows somethign about building as I'd hate to live ina house that was constructed by you.
    I had a big spurs fan in the office here who just left us to go to Australia so that is two less unhappy people in the country when Spurs lose out on the CL.

    Catch you later and the Blog a greeat idea!

  3. By the way that post was from Colm Whooley, Ian gave me the link. I should know how to address them but I don't as we are big bloggers in our house. Check out Clive's blog some time - google Clive the assistance dog.


  4. Love the blog - the very best of luck with the house build! Look forward to following the progress!

    Can't believe Colm doesn't know how to leave a proper comment with his name!! At least, he leaves a comment on your blog though, mind you!!

    - Clive & gang

  5. Clive's blog is - just in case you feel like checking it out!
