Saturday, 16 June 2012

The roof is on

Since the trusses went up the troops have been working on the roof, lot of work there as some angles (or laps) had to be built etc. but now we have the roof under laid and waterproof, another big job done!

In the meantime Mrs B. has been busy on the job front; went for an interview on Tuesday and started working the next day, in a furniture store, how convenient :-)

Next phase on the build started straight away, weatherproofed gypsum boards and insulation are going on the walls (Mr B will be busy with some thousands of screws to be fixed). The blocks for the chimney also arrived so once the walls are covered that can be laid. 

All quiet this weekend on site as our Bob the Builder (Ukki) is on a well deserved weekend break in Lithuania. Back to work on Monday! 

 This is going to be the boys playroom downstairs!

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