Thursday 19 July 2012

Back to work

Building site is slowly coming alive again, last two days have been spent on building the staircase and it's ready now. Noah & Ruben were allowed to go upstairs to have a look at their new rooms, but they were more interested in hanging out at the balcony! Mrs B swiftly got them back downstairs to safer grounds as the balcony doesn't have any railings yet... 


  1. Poor Ukki (spelling?) with his sore hand - how's he doing? Stairs look fab! So cool to see it taking shape. Finland obviously not been affected by the kinds of rain experienced elsewhere in Europe - just as well, so you can keep building.

  2. Hi there!!! Ukki's hand seems to have recovered really well, he's back working full on again! We've been very lucky with the weather, eastern and middle parts of Finland got some heavy rains but we have had mostly sunshine, mind you it hasn't been anywhere near as nice as in the last few years while we've been visiting here on Holidays... I'm still hoping for a hot August :-)
